Disability Advocacy | Strategy & Campaign

It's Doctor Time!

Australians with an intellectual disability experience twice the rate of avoidable deaths, higher rates of emergency department visits, and lower rates of preventative healthcare.

Inclusion Australia asked Upstride to help increase the uptake of medicare-supported yearly health checks at the GP.

It's Doctor Time! Animation "What Happens at a Yearly Health Check"

What we did


We conducted in-depth consultations and surveys with Australians with intellectual disabilities, their families, and health professionals to uncover healthcare challenges and barriers. Insights from this research were compiled into an extensive report, which guided the design of a targeted, multi-channel campaign to address the specific needs identified.


To address the needs of diverse audiences, we developed specialised resources. For individuals and families, we partnered with Inclusion Australia to create videos, animations, and Easy Read Fact Sheets, Social Stories, and Conversation Cards to make health assessments more accessible. For healthcare professionals, we produced a comprehensive GP Kit, clinic posters, flyers, outreach templates, and quick guides on Medicare assessments to streamline the implementation of health checks in clinical settings.


We implemented a robust promotion plan, including Google Advertising and social media campaigns, to promote the resources.

We collaborated with Tiktok stars and sibling duo Ben and Grace McIntosh, to provide authentic endorsements of the healthcare resources. We additionally partnered with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to extend the campaign's reach among GPs and encourage the adoption of Annual Health Assessments in clinical practice.

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It's Doctor Time! campaign launched in 2024 by Upstride Agency in partnership with Inclusion Australia has made a notable impact in addressing the health disparities faced by Australians with intellectual disabilities. By leveraging research, developing targeted resources, and executing a robust communication and marketing strategy, the campaign aims to effectively promote the uptake of comprehensive health checks every year.

View Inclusion Australia's It's Doctor Time! Campaign

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