Environment, Government | Digital

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

From 2019 - 2023 Upstride has worked with Victoria’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on multiple campaigns, social media, video production, brand and design projects to inspire Victorians into environmental volunteering.

National Volunteer Week Campaign (2019-2023)

Upstride has worked with DELWP over 2023, 2021, 2020 and 2019 across a number of projects to highlight Victorian volunteers in a bid to inspire others into environmental volunteering.

Case Studies: Sourced and produced a series of compelling case studies highlighting individual and group volunteer efforts across Victoria. These case studies were crafted to showcase the impact and personal stories behind environmental volunteering.

Social Media Posts: Created engaging social media posts featuring the case studies, designed to raise awareness and inspire action. This content was strategically scheduled to run throughout National Volunteer Week.

Video Production: Developed videos to complement the social media campaign, featuring interviews and footage of volunteers in action, enhancing the storytelling aspect of the campaign.

The National Volunteer Week social media campaign reached over 174,000 Victorians in just five days, effectively celebrating current volunteers and encouraging others to get involved.

See our stories here:


Digital Strategy Development (2019-2020)

In 2018, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) released its five-year plan to expand environmental volunteering: Victorians Volunteering for Nature: Environmental Volunteering Plan.

The plan’s ultimate goal is to attract 5 million Victorians into environmental volunteering activities by 2037 – a substantial increase on the 100,000 Victorians giving their time in 2018.

In 2019, Upstride was engaged to create and deliver a digital strategy that sets out a clear roadmap for DELWP to strengthen its digital presence over 2019 and 2020, and to encourage more Victorians into environmental volunteering.

We also created a social media campaign to run during National Volunteer Week, celebrating Victoria’s current environmental volunteers.

This involved the sourcing and production of a series of case studies, and the creation of a series of social media posts for DELWP channels that reached more than 174,000 Victorians in five days.

See our stories here: 



By developing a strategic digital roadmap and executing impactful National Volunteer Week campaigns, Upstride significantly contributed to DEECA’s goal of expanding volunteer engagement and celebrating the efforts of dedicated environmental volunteers. The ongoing success of these initiatives highlights Upstride's expertise in creating effective communication strategies that resonate with and motivate diverse audiences.

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