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Menzies Foundation Podcast Series

From 2019 to 2021, Upstride collaborated with the Menzies Foundation to enhance its thought leadership and reputation through strategic content creation and media campaigns.

Our work included launching the Menzies Leadership Forum podcast series and developing a range of content to promote the Foundation's initiatives and fellowship programs.


Podcast Series: Launched the inaugural Menzies Leadership Forum podcast in 2019, featuring thought-provoking interviews with prominent figures such as Prof. Brian David Johnson. We developed the podcast series and established dedicated channels on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

Media Campaigns: Designed and executed targeted media campaigns to elevate the Foundation’s profile and highlight its initiatives and achievements.

Virtual Events and Videos: Curated and hosted large-scale virtual events, producing a variety of videos to engage audiences and celebrate fellowship recipients.

Content Creation: Generated diverse content, including promotional materials for Menzies fellowships and celebratory features on fellowship awardees.


Through a comprehensive approach to content creation, media engagement, and virtual events, Upstride significantly enhanced the Menzies Foundation’s thought leadership and public presence. The Menzies Leadership Forum continues to be a key platform for discussing leadership and innovation, underscoring the Foundation’s commitment to advancing these critical areas.

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